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Small Business Marketing Basics
Module 1: Introduction to Marketing
1: Welcome to the Course! (3:57)
2: What is Marketing? (6:02)
3: Why is Marketing Important? (6:44)
4: What About a Marketing Plan? (2:45)
5: Determining Your Vision & Value Proposition (7:59)
Module 2: Situation Analysis
6: The Problem You’re Solving (2:41)
7: What Does Your Market Look Like? (11:03)
8: What Market Segments Should You Pursue? (11:35)
9: Who is Your Target Market? (7:29)
10: Target Market Continued - Create your Ideal Customer Avatar (6:54)
11: What About the Competition? (11:01)
Module 3: Solutions and Objectives
12: What is Your Solution? (3:10)
13: Describe Your Product or Service (5:12)
14: You Need Marketing Objectives (5:19)
MODULE 4: Strategy & The Marketing Mix
15: Marketing Strategy Basics (9:04)
16: The 4 P’s & Modern Marketing Mix (6:21)
17: How to Price Your Product or Service (12:07)
7: What Does Your Market Look Like?
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